Dialog The Mouse deer and the Crocodile (Tiger too).bahasa inggris.

by - 02.52

Mouse deer was the most ingenious animal. He had a lot of sense to solve the problems. The animals in the woods often looked for him for a help when they got into trouble. Although he was a smart animal, but he was not arrogant and it made him having so many friends.
One day the deer walking seek fresh fruits. Without the knowledge of the deer met with wild tigers. The deer  already in the grasp of the tiger can’t do anything, but she had an idea ..
Deer  : hi tiger please let me !!
Tiger : I not will let you go .. because I'll eat you !!!
Deer  : you will regret because eat me ..
Tiger : I not will regret eat you ..
Deer  : of course, you will regret eat me ..
Tiger : so what ??
Deer  : because, if you don’t eat me and let me go so I'll give a bigger and better meat ..
Tiger was easy to believe on the the deer
Tiger : Okay, how do you show it to me ??
Deer  : follow me ..
The deer brought the tiger in front of a cave ..
Deer  : in the cave that is contained meat I say ..
Tiger : so what should I do ??
Deer  : go into the cave and seek it until you get it
Tiger : how about you deer
Deer  : I'll be wait you here ..
And the tiger was fooled by the deer and the tiger was entered into the cave while the deer ran away from the tiger.
Not until then, because he ran continuously until arriving at a lake, the deer want to find another way to get past the lake but before passing the lake, he want to drink the water of the lake because he was tired and thirsty after running, but when drinking the water the deer unlucky because she meet with the crocodile.
Crocodile    : grrrrr .. finally I catch you deer
Deer            :,,, please help me
Crocodile    : nobody will help you deer .. hahaha
Deer            : please let me go crocodile .. if you release me and I will give you food more delicious and can satisfy your stomach and your crew ..
Crocodile    : I will not be fooled again by you deer .. because you kept fool me .. and I will not be fooled again ..
Deer-faced tense and fright was thinking an idea .. and finally he got an idea.
Deer           : I look want to deceive you, crocodile? No!
Crocodile    : hmmmm ..
Crocodile asking his friends ..
Crocodile     : how do you think, friends? do you believe in the deer?
Friends crocodile : it seems that she says is truth
crocodile     : all right deer, but where the food ??
Deer            : I will give you the food, but you can get it if you line up and I'll count the number of you to be devided equally
Crocodile     : Okay how do you count us?
Deer            : firstly, you line up until side of the river and I'll jump on you while I counting you.
Crocodiles lined up, after  that the deer jumping on crocodiles while counting, one .. two .. three .. four .. five .. six .. seven .. and so on .. and after reaching mainland the deer immediately ran away from the lake while mocked the crocodile
Deer            : stupid crocodile, you quickly fooled, haha ...
Finally, deer free from the pursuit of tigers and crocodiles ..

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